Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the heart of sin is not breaking a rule, rather it is creating a distance in a relationship. keeping the law perfectly or doing everything possible to fill yourself with everything around you is about the same really. the heart of it is filling yourself up with something other than a relationship with God and trying to make it on your own. I think the greater danger is in being the "elder brother" since it is filled with seemingly good things that in their heart are selfish, but because the physical symtom are hard to see you are not going to pursue a doctor like you would if you knew you were sick. instead of seeking treatment, you die without knowing your need. The strange thing is that sin really isn't even about us. it is about a relationship with another. Sin, in the end, is relational. between God and between people is where all sin leads.

To avoid sin is to avoid God. Not meaning go out and sin to find God, but the essence of the gospel is dealing with sin. Jesus came to deal with sin and the whole bible is about showing what sin is, showing the consequences of sin, and pointing to our need and the fulfillment of that need to have someone come and deal with our sin in the ways that we could not. this is a new definition of sin for me, but i do believe that all sin is relational in a way. I struggle and satan hammers me with guilt from who i have been and the remnants of what is lingering on from who i have been. I allow this guilt to pull me away from God, since i am ashamed of who i have been and it is hard to stand up open before God when you know you are unworthy. The issue is, my claim for righteousness is not in my own merit, it is in christ's perfection he gave me. This is a trust issue for me, i have trust issues in friendships and relationships. The heart of my guilt is really believing that Jesus took my guilt, took my shame, and died with specifically you, with specifically me in mind. He died thinking about your darkest moment and mine as well. Not just humanity as a whole, but God knows how many hairs are on our head. the amazing thing is not that he knows that, but that he actually cares to know that.

romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

then because of this:

romans 8: 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

that includes your own guilt, my trust issues, and everything inbetween. it isn't about you, you can't even seperate yourself from the love of jesus. for me, i am laying down at this point and saying take me into your love. i am done running with my guilt.

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