Saturday, March 27, 2010

it is funny how as soon as you think you understand something you only realize that you understand nothing. it is only because you understand something you realize you do not understand it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

so, a thought. we are here to glorify God and enjoy what he has given us. anything that we become obsessed with to the point where things like, anger, bitterness, rabid desire take over and enjoyment ends, we have stopped fulfilling out purpose. strange, eh?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Please know that I am flawed
The good you see is perfection mauled
What is left is merely shards of the great
And I am being flooded and changed so please wait.

When man fell I was tainted
My veins were filled with sin.
I prayed this infection to be made well
And my veins to be cleansed

One infection died and another came.
I wasn’t sure what was growing
But after that day I was never the same.
The symptoms increased and are always showing

Slowly the shards became whole
And my blood ran pure
I began to see that I was not in control
And I saw I was too much to endure

Fortunately I no longer have to suffer myself
Since the pure infection took control
Eventually I will walk free of affliction
All because of Jesus blessed affection