Friday, November 7, 2008

the day it became politics job to change a culture is the day politics failed. All politicians can do it pass law to try and restrain a person and give money in hopes that will pacify a person. A person is not driven by need to kill, rape, drugs, or join gangs. That is a theological problem with the person. Something we try to do today is address theological issues without theology. It does not work. Laws and money cannot change a person. We have yet to realize that the welfare state has no decreased poverty, rather the dependents have grown greatly. The economy has grown also along with the standard of living. in 1972 the stock market hit a new high, 1000 points. The stock market in the pass two days has lost 1000 points and we are still able to function. Money cannot change a persons essence, but Christ can. We're control freaks and can't admit it when we realize that it is outside of our power to change a person. But we also drive government to make a dozen differnt laws to govern us by. G.K. Chesterton sums it up well:"If men will not be governed by the Ten Commandments they shall be governed by the ten thousand commandments."

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