Monday, February 7, 2011

so, the things i enjoy most are usually under five dollars. the things most people enjoy i really couldn't care less for. usually a 19 year old college student is pretty caught up in drinking, sex, and something self glorifying like that. i can hold my alcohol better than most people and chug faster than most any guy, but i really could not care any less about that. i think the thing we long for most is home, a place where basically they have to take us in when we return and they take us in lovingly. in general family vacation spots and places where people know they are loved bring peace and a sense of healing to people who have experienced these things, just the thought brings peace to people. i think that in the end we are seeking recreate some form, a remnant, of home. When you think of it, half of the obnoxious things we do are for other people to notice, acceptance, social standing, in a strange way it is about creating a place where we are loved.

in the end, i know where my home is and i know when i will be there. i know a little of what it is like. the closest thing to home i have here, the remnant, the hint, that is on earth is family. Building a relationship with God, since home is unity with Him for me, loving people and enjoying life and what he has given me. that is the closest thing to home i have and those are the things i enjoy the most and long for the most.

the first home for humanity was the garden of eden. God and man walked and talked in a way that showed a deep relationship. After leaving eden there was a barrier inbetween us and God. the final and permanent removal is when we are finally sent to our real home, in heaven, the new earth. The things i crave and try to pursue and the closest remnants of home i can pursue on earth and that is why i pursue them.

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