last night someone was asking me about spiritual warfare. given, i have seen a lot of things, talk to a lot of things, and i ended up asking to not talk about it. this was really odd, since normally anything that attests to the spiritual world and the reality of spiritual war fare i will talk about it without hesitation. i didn't feel led to talk about it with a few of the people around i was praying and just felt led not to talk and to let them no now was not the time. recently my concept and how i look at the entire nature of spiritual warfare. So, everything that is done is meant to attest to the glory of God in someway. when i have seen a lot of horrifying things and i realized i focused on the power of spiritual opposition and left it there.
i was reading through john 16 and one of the things that stood out the most was when jesus thanks his father for the power he gave him in his name. The most incredible thing is that we jesus's name and we are his brother. In revolation it talks about how every knee will bow to jesus and every mouth confess the power of his name. In the end, everything, except us. when things happen in spiritual war fare, even the opposition against jesus's kingdom will confess that jesus is king and will obey what is said in jesus's name. the amazing thing is not that we get to see the spiritual powers and the things outside of our concepts happeneing, rather that all these things are true and the spiritual world, that we are afraid of, confesses jesus's name. the power of jesus name is what should amaze us, since everything confesses jesus's name and sees the reality of this. the odd thing is, every confesses jesus's name, but not us. we try to rationalize the reality of jesus away, but everything that opposes jesus the most confesses his name. just kind of interesting.
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